Halo. I really feel bad for publishing my last post. I was very angry when typing it. There were so many harsh words on it. I was terribly rude. It wasn't a nice post so I decided to delete it. I am still disappointed of how many people can judge others easily like that. Generalizing people for a few people's mistake is just unfair and immature. You cannot judge the whole country bad just because a few of us make mistakes. You don't want to be dragged down for other people's mistakes that you never even done before, do you?
I came to realize that I can't change how people think or see about something if they don't want to. Everybody has the right to say whatever they like and to think whatever they want to. You can’t stop people from saying bad things about you. So, instead of wasting my time and energy being offended of something I cannot control, I'll just move on with my life and do the things I like, things that make me happy. I feel like it is just a small issue anyway.
So, let's move on! I made my first notebook ever! I followed a simple tutorial video on YouTube and I'm quite happy with the result. What else can I do during this boring self-quarantine though? I need a new small notebook but the malls are close due to the large-scale social restrictions that has been implemented in my city so I can't go anywhere to get a new one.
I came to realize that I can't change how people think or see about something if they don't want to. Everybody has the right to say whatever they like and to think whatever they want to. You can’t stop people from saying bad things about you. So, instead of wasting my time and energy being offended of something I cannot control, I'll just move on with my life and do the things I like, things that make me happy. I feel like it is just a small issue anyway.
So, let's move on! I made my first notebook ever! I followed a simple tutorial video on YouTube and I'm quite happy with the result. What else can I do during this boring self-quarantine though? I need a new small notebook but the malls are close due to the large-scale social restrictions that has been implemented in my city so I can't go anywhere to get a new one.
I'm so happy and so proud of myself that I can make something instead of buying. Everybody knows that buying things is easy, but I think making them yourself is more fun! I think it‘s gonna be a good idea to open my own handmade notebook store, haha. Joke.
I know, this is just a simple notebook. It looks messy. I don't have paper cutting machine, paper trimmer or anything like that. My handmade notebook is so nothing compared to those fancy notebooks you find at any stationery store in the mall, but I'm very proud of myself that I can actually make my own notebook. It's my first time making my own notebook and I'm so happy how it turns out🙃
Oke. That's it for today.
I hope you have a good day.
Be nice to each other✌🏼
I know, this is just a simple notebook. It looks messy. I don't have paper cutting machine, paper trimmer or anything like that. My handmade notebook is so nothing compared to those fancy notebooks you find at any stationery store in the mall, but I'm very proud of myself that I can actually make my own notebook. It's my first time making my own notebook and I'm so happy how it turns out🙃
Oke. That's it for today.
I hope you have a good day.
Be nice to each other✌🏼
but I think its a nice notebook.. Yah banyak dari cowo lebih suka hal yang simpel tapi ellegan.. Kalau cewek kan kebanyakan lebih suka yang rame, atau yang ada quotenya, apalagi kalau quotenya senasib sama idupnya.. wkwkwk
ReplyDeleteYaaa, I think so too!
DeleteMm, sepupuku yang cewek-cewek mungkin cuma bercanda aja. Tapi tetep nyebelin hahaha.
Hmm, sepupu yang cowok mendukung, sedangkan yang cewek ngetawain dan meledek kamu. Kalau dalam kasus saya, teman baik cowok yang ngakak lihat saya --yang juga cowok-- punya sekaligus menulis diary. Padahal kan menulis jurnal bagi saya baik untuk terapi jiwa. Teman yang cewek justru mendukung kegiatan itu dan memuji. Apa karena kuncinya di perbedaan jenis kelamin? Atau tergantung pola pikir masing-masing.
ReplyDeleteSaya kira buatan sendiri memang lebih bernilai ketimbang beli sekalipun hasilnya tak sebagus yang dijual di toko. Dari yang terlihat di gambar, saya akui bloknot bikinanmu kece juga.
Saya sejujurnya belum pernah beli sejauh ini. Malas buat bikin sendiri juga. Biasanya saya dapat bingkisan dari pekerjaan meliput acara pada zaman masih aktif-aktifnya. Ada yang hadiah kuis, ada juga pemberian teman.
Kreatif mb. Tidak banyak yah pny ide sederhana tapi unik. Soal sepupu cwe yang ngetawain ya jadiin itu motivasi aja kali yah. Mungkin dia berharap yang perfek tapi dia tidak tau semua butuh proses
ReplyDeleteYour notebook is practical and good example of applying time towards something useful. Well done!
ReplyDeleteMemang benar mbak, beli barang itu mudah apalagi cuma sekedar notebook, tapi kalo hasil membuat sendiri itu beda, ada kebahagiaan didalamnya dan juga rasa bangga karena bisa buat sendiri.
ReplyDeleteOh ya, soal sepupu yang menertawakan abaikan saja, kita tidak bisa menyenangkan semua pihak bukan. Tetap semangat ya.😃
Hal biasanya, setiap orang punya penilain yang berbeda.
ReplyDeleteAmbil yang punya nilai semangat dan abaikan yang mencelanya.
Buktikan bahwa penilain jelek itu tidaklah benar. Caranya bagaimana? terus berkarya
Waaa, masa kaya gitu dibilang jelek sih? Bagus banget itu. Aku mana bisa punya kesabaran bikin-bikinan gitu, hahaha :)
ReplyDeleteWow.. Keren mbak, bagusss. Biarin lah sepupu ceweknya palingan iri doang. Wkwk
ReplyDeleteSemangat yaaa. Unik lho booknya, jd pgn buat juga
What a lovely notebook! Fantastic work!
ReplyDeleteI love crafts and enjoy doing some DIY :)
Wih keren mbak. Buat scrapbook bagus tuh mbak. Jadi pengen ikutan bikin. Aku suka handmade lebih bernilai tinggi hehe
ReplyDeleteLucu notebooknya. Saya suka buku catatan ukuran kecil buat catatan kerjaan atau belanjaan.
ReplyDeleteEl leerte es un gran placer
You are really good. I believe that life is short. Nurturing your hobbies and doing things that make you happy is important in being a positive person and an asset to the world. Surrounding yourself with people who care about you helps a lot! It's a good handmade notebook. You are very creative!
ReplyDeleteNice notebook :)
ReplyDeleteBardzo ładny zeszyt. Lepiej samemu coś zrobić zamiast kupować 😊
ReplyDeleteat least, writing is a therapy for u until u have that decision, right? good job!
ReplyDeleteTo ładny notatnik. Możesz go jakoś ozdobić i wtedy będzie wyjątkowy.
ReplyDeleteSerdecznie pozdrawiam:)
wah boleh juga tuh mbak kalo dijual. siapa tau laku. semua berawal dari coba-coba, kalo diseriusin kan bisa jadi tambah penghasilan. bikin aja lagi mbak degan variasi yg berbeda. bikin terus lama-lama nanti terbiasa terus dijual kan lumayan.
ReplyDeleteHi hi Ran 😁
ReplyDeleteIya better jalani hidup Ran saja daripada memikirkan orang-orang itu karena yang nggak suka akan tetap nggak suka 🙈 yang terpenting kita berusaha jaga sikap kita saja agar nggak ikut dijudge 😄
By the way Ran beli material kertasnya di mana? Bagus bangetttt hasilnya 😍 sudah oke kok kalau nanti dijual di future shop milik Ran 😆 semangat buat-buat something-nya ya ㅡ ps: saya suka banget kalau Ran lagi buat sesuatu yang unik-unik, entah itu notebook, cookies, etc 😍
Beli kertasnya ada banyak kok mbak, di shopee / tokopedia. Itu kertas bekas nggak terpakai. Udah numpuk bertahun-tahun, jadi tak buat buku gitu.
- Mirrecca.id stationery: kualitas bagus tapi mahal ._.
- Atmodjoo: kertas warna cokelat ukuran A3 (potong sendiri)
- Tat Tet Tot | Buku & Kertas: Kalo mau pake karton
Pake kertas A4 aja mbak, dilipet 2 jadi agak kecil.
A4 garis kotak-kotak juga ada di shopee.
Hello!! it's amazing!! I can't do something like that jaja but it's like you say: it's great to do something by yourself instead of buying it. Nice post, thanks for sharing.
You never know if you don't try😊 It's easy. There are many tutorials on YouTube. If I can do it, you can do it too. Hoho!
DeleteKreatif sekali.. Bisa jadi bisnis ini Mbak..
ReplyDeleteBukunya bagus sekali mbak. Coba diseriusin siapa tau sukses jual buku handmade. Coba tawarkan dulu ke teman-teman dekat, ya itung-itung promosi ke teman dan keluarga sendiri. Soal harga mungkin bisa dikomunikasikan. Diskon lah sedikit untuk permulaan. Nanti kan mereka akan cerita ke teman-temannya yang lain siapa tau ada yang berminat dan barulah kamu tetapkan harganya. Yah untuk awal kalau bisa jangan terlampau mahal. Hanya saran saja.
ReplyDeleteHalo, kak Ran.
ReplyDeleteAku juga suka kreatifitas kayak gini.
Buatku bikin atau juga nambahin sesuatu ke suatu produk bukan berarti aku pengin tampil beda dengan produk serupa yang dipunyai orang lain, tapi tujuannya buat ngasah kreativitas.
Ada kesenengan tersendiri kalo lihat hasil karya sendiri.
Weiiiit, kemarin pacar saya juga barusan bikin semacam tutorial beginian sih keknya wgwgw :D bagos dan kreatif ya kalian semuah :D
ReplyDeleteHello, very good post, it has been very useful to me.
ReplyDeleteA greeting.
Note Book kamu bagus 🥰 kalau hasil karya sendiri memang nilainya jauuhh lebih tinggi. Lakukan hobi-hobi mu, tak perlu mendengarkan perkataan orang-orang yg kurang kerjaan apalagi suka men-judge. Be unique, be your self aja 🥰🥰 semangat terus berkarya..
ReplyDeleteNice Note Book...
ReplyDeletePasti puas dan bangga dong ya kalau lihat haail karya kita sendiri..
Jangan peduli orang berkata apa yang penting tetus berkarya..
Sangat menginspirasi.
Saya sangat setuju, hal negatif jangan dibawa ke hati maupun pikiran
Deleteyou just need to add some artsy pics or characters on that cover, and it'll be nicer..
ReplyDelete-traveler paruh waktu
That's a simple one and if I were you, I'd write what I feel there.
ReplyDeleteI think I can do it. Maybe.
Ah, you make me have a little idea. I think, I should start write everything about what I feel in my notebook.
untung cuma baca judulnya doang Handmade Notebook, langsung baca komentar jadi bisa kira-kira ngerti kalau admin bokek dan nggak punya duit buat beli notebook, jadi admin bikin sendiri.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice creation of that notebook.
Nice to make it for yourself.
You have to do what you like and don't care about others. That is not always easy.
I wish you all the best.
Warm greetings,
it's so beautiful
aww the notebook you made is cute, would definitely use it as journals♥!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite quotes is you can't control others what you can do is control yourself.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read your post, I know you tried so hard to control yourself, and I'm proud that you use your energy to make something cool like that <3
En muchas ocasiones por estereotipos juzgamos a todos habitantes de un lugar por unos pocos.
ReplyDeleteCada uno tenemos una forma de ser y pensar cosa que deberíamos respetar mas.
En cuanto al cuaderno que realizaste me recordó a lo que en otros tiempos con cualquier cosa se hacia un juguete.
Wow, marvellous weblog layout! How lengthy have you been blogging for? you made blogging glance easy. The overall look of your website is fantastic, as well as the content on Watch streaming of showbox on your tv .Wish you successful .
ReplyDeleteI use "Simple" theme
DeleteAnd the widths:
Entire blog: 1170 px
Left sidebar: 260 px
Right sidebar: 240 px
Berbanggalah dengan karyamu seberapapun kecilnya karena tidak semua bisa melakukannya
ReplyDeleteSaya juga belum tentu bisa buat yg seperti Rani 🤣🤣 saya pilih beli saja