Sunday, October 3, 2021


I really love baking cakes and cookies!! It's like therapy for me besides drawing. I love to feel flour on my palms and I don't mind getting dough underneath my fingernails. My passion for baking started when I was still a little girl and I would sit at the edge of the kitchen while my grandmother baked delicious cakes for me. I would pay attention to all the little details that she would make as she baked. I was really amazed by how eggs, milk, sugar, flour and a few other ingredients could create something so delicious. When I was little, I saw it as if it was almost like magic! It's incredible.

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Halo. I have a good news to share with you. Do you remember my nephew who fell off the stair railing at his school and ended up in a long coma because he fell with his head hitting the floor that caused him to suffer a brain damage? I wrote about him last year. Here, click the flower if you wanna read it: 🌸 

So, he is finally awake from awful trauma. It should be a good news, shouldn't it? Of course me and my family are glad that he's awake from a long sleep. After suffering from a brain damage, he spent two and a half years in a coma before he finally woke up. We didn't lose hope. In the years that passed, we never gave up on him. We always believed that one day he would wake up and it really happened! But... I somehow feel a little disappointed to see his condition.

Friday, May 14, 2021


 *smiling innocently* Halo!! How are you, guys? I hope you are doing okay.

I know that it has been months since my last update. Like, I promised myself that I would never neglect this blog but I wasn't quite in a good mood (and I still am not in a good mood) after writing about my nephew's fatal accident as it triggered me to have many sad flashbacks about him when he was still able to walk, play football, smile and laugh like there was nothing could stop him from being happy and enjoying his wonderful life.

I find it scary to see how quick life can change. It almost feels like just in a blink of eye your life is totally upside down. I am terribly sad for my nephew's health condition, but his accident also made me realize that I have never felt grateful for having some of the most important things in life; namely family, friends and the most important thing is, my health. Just to think about him not being able to do anything himself makes me realize how precious life really is and we all should be grateful that we are still be able to walk, to do almost everything by ourselves. How precious it is that we can still breathe without ventilator.

I hope you learn something from this very short post. Please, please, for your own sake, think wisely before you make any reckless decision. Love yourself, love your life. Think about your family too. I hope you are always in good health💙