Sunday, October 3, 2021


I really love baking cakes and cookies!! It's like therapy for me besides drawing. I love to feel flour on my palms and I don't mind getting dough underneath my fingernails. My passion for baking started when I was still a little girl and I would sit at the edge of the kitchen while my grandmother baked delicious cakes for me. I would pay attention to all the little details that she would make as she baked. I was really amazed by how eggs, milk, sugar, flour and a few other ingredients could create something so delicious. When I was little, I saw it as if it was almost like magic! It's incredible.

I always dream that I will have a big kitchen where I can cook or bake whatever and whenever I want one day. When I'm in the kitchen, I can completely focus all my attention on putting the ingredients to make a delicious dessert or meal. It's so much fun measuring, mixing and sifting. And I really love the wonderful aroma of a cake baking in the oven.

Being in the kitchen and baking always make me feel relax and happy. It's so rejuvenating and it gives me a sense of proud and accomplishment at the end of the day when I know that I've tried out a new technique or created something new. The kitchen is my territory and my family knows it! Anyone is allowed in, but I somehow get antsy and a little bit annoyed if they try to cook or even try to help me cooking or baking. I don't like anyone touching and using my cooking or baking tools, hehe✌🏼

If you happen to come to my place and you see me cooking or baking, please don't ask me if there's anything you can do to help. No, don't try to help me unless I ask for it. I like cooking alone. Just sit back, relax and wait until I'm done😅 I'm so sorry if that sounds rude to you, but I just really don't like anyone helping me when I'm making food. I like to have my own space in the kitchen. Stay away from my kitchen, hahaha! You can watch but please don't touch anything.

So, anyway... this morning I tried a new cookie recipe and I'm quite happy with the result. Actually, there are more than these, but I gave them away to my neighbors. I made these for my family and a friend, Yoga. In the coming weeks ahead, I will be making more cakes and cookies for my other friends. Some of them live in another city, so I'm still trying to find a way to send the cakes and cookies safely. Packaging cookies in a bag makes no sense, the cookies will crush on the way before they get it. In the future, I really hope I can invite all my cousins and friends to my place and have a little dessert party with them, haha.

Making food for people is one of my love languages. It's a very joyous, happy thing! To me, it is the simplest way to show people that I care for them, especially when I make one of my favorite recipes. It makes me happy to see that they enjoy the food I cook for them. Sometimes I make cakes and cookies for strangers too, like the delivery men, the security men guarding my residential area. I don't know, I somehow find pleasure in giving people the food I cook.

Actually, I also make vanilla ice cream!! I mix it with Oreo cookies. But for this one, I'm so not satisfied with the result. I'm happy with the texture, it is so soft, but it's too sweet for my taste. I cannot eat it. My parents won't allow me to. I must be very careful in eating dessert and sweet treats. Both of my grandmothers, from my father's side and also my mother's side, had diabetes history so my parents are very strict when it comes to the food I eat though sometimes I like to sneak some sweets to my room and hide those under my bed, hehe.

So, I guess that's it for today.
See you on my next post😘
Stay healthy and be happy!!


  1. Terima kasih, Ran, sudah memilih saya buat mencoba kukis bikinan sendiri ini. Lanjutkan terus hobi memanggang kue dan kukisnya, ya! :D Saya enggak keberatan, kok, seumpama disuruh jadi kelinci percobaan lagi. :p

    Sayang sekali ya, padahal doyan bikin makanan-makanan manis, tapi diri sendiri enggak bisa makan banyak-banyak karena ada keluarga yang punya riwayat diabetes. Semoga sehat-sehat aja buat kamu.

    1. Yaaaa, menu lain menyusul. Masih sibuk dengan kegiatan lainnya. Rencana mau bikin susu kopi tapi masih mikir gimana cara packing dan ngirimnya. Takut tumpah di jalan😢 Mau bikin sponge cake, bunny cookies, aaaakk banyak!!!

      Iya, aku gak bisa makan manis-manis seperti dulu waktu masi kecil tapi ya gapapa. Cukup senang liat orang lain menikmati hasil bakingku haha

  2. So wonderful Hobby, I would like to have a friend like you.
    Greetings :)

    1. Well, I would like to have a friend like you too, Hanna!😊

  3. Hello!! this is great and, of course, an amazing post, thanks for sharing.


  4. These cookies look so delicious.
    I really love baking cakes.

  5. Fantastic cookies! For me baking is very relaxing :)

  6. Wah aku juga mau dung dikirimin kue dan kukis🙂

  7. You're love of baking really shows in this post. I enjoyed reading about how you baked with your grandmother. I love baking cookies with my granddaughter.

  8. Oh that looks yummy.
    I used to bake easy cookies and brownies,
    but I lost my desire to bake and went into cooking.


  9. A mi tambien me gusta cocinar y como diabetica lo hago con azúcar de dieta que no es lo mismo pero si ayuda. Te mando un beso

  10. Hello dear!
    I never knew how to bake. I had no one to bake with. I don't think I wanted to study either. Only now, after I have been an adult and should be able to do such things, do I begin to learn to count and cook like a child. Because I have someone to do it for :)
    You have a wonderful passion, I would like to study with you, but I think you are too far. Or else I am far from you.
    It's good that we have blogs, we can talk despite the distance!
    You are wonderful!
    Greetings from Poland!

  11. Hola. Me parece una muy buena forma de ocupar su tiempo libre. De joven empesé el aprendizaje de panadero-pastelero.

  12. That’s so nice. I love baking too. It’s such a nice stress reliever. It's my favorite thing. I want to open my own bakery one day.

  13. wah saya mau dong dikirimin kue. saya ga keberatan koq 😁✌🏼

  14. mantap!! Ngerjain hobi memang bisa bikin kita senang dan bisa bikin kita dapat uang tambahan, bisa bikin kita tetap sehat saat lagi stres. milih pekerjaan yg sesuai sama hobi juga bisa bikin kita jadi enjoy dan terhindar dari tekanan, misalnya kita suka masak, dan bisa membuat makanan atau snack, itu bisa dititipin ke kantin sekolah atau warung-warung sekitar.

  15. Nice hobbi! I don't like cooking. I like eating.

  16. Muy buena terapia, dibujar y cocinar, todo es creatividad y entretenimeinto. Beso

  17. Buena terapia cocinar y dibujar es creativo . Beso
