Halo, cutes! How are you all doing? I hope everything is going awesome with you guys. Eh, guess what? I ran away from home… AGAIN, haha. So, my cool friend who lives in Kuala Lumpur texted me on Tuesday night, saying she would be in Bali with her 2 other friends by the weekend and she invited me to join her 5 days trip.
The first thing that popped into my mind was my awkwardness around new people. All my life, I’ve sheltered myself. I never have many friends since I never really get involved in social gatherings or stuff like that. It’s just not my thing. I am super shy and I can be very awkward around new people. It’s become even more difficult for me since my anxiety kicked in too. I try to be nice and friendly to everyone though, but it’s just never easy for me to start a conversation or find something to talk about with a stranger or anyone I barely know and keep it interesting.
The first thing that popped into my mind was my awkwardness around new people. All my life, I’ve sheltered myself. I never have many friends since I never really get involved in social gatherings or stuff like that. It’s just not my thing. I am super shy and I can be very awkward around new people. It’s become even more difficult for me since my anxiety kicked in too. I try to be nice and friendly to everyone though, but it’s just never easy for me to start a conversation or find something to talk about with a stranger or anyone I barely know and keep it interesting.
So, going on this trip was a big deal for me. I was nervous and worried about pretty much everything, like, what if her friends didn’t like me? What if I stuck out like a sore thumb among a group of people who love each other? What if I did something stupid and ruined everything? I kept asking myself, what the hell was I doing? Why was I putting myself in a vulnerable position with people I don’t know?
Actually, that wasn’t the only problem. My money was quite TIGHT lately so I told her I couldn't go because the flight to Bali was overpriced. I was surprised when she said she would lend me money to purchase the flight tickets. And she even would lend me some more for every damn thing I need during the trip!!!! Whaaaaaaaat....😳
Wow, I couldn't believe what I heard and I didn’t know what else to say. I mean, she sounded so excited to go on this Bali trip and I knew that she would not take no as an answer. She would find another solution for whatever excuse I gave her. So I thought it would be a complete waste of time to argue with her. I never win an argument with her anyway🙄
Actually, that wasn’t the only problem. My money was quite TIGHT lately so I told her I couldn't go because the flight to Bali was overpriced. I was surprised when she said she would lend me money to purchase the flight tickets. And she even would lend me some more for every damn thing I need during the trip!!!! Whaaaaaaaat....😳
Wow, I couldn't believe what I heard and I didn’t know what else to say. I mean, she sounded so excited to go on this Bali trip and I knew that she would not take no as an answer. She would find another solution for whatever excuse I gave her. So I thought it would be a complete waste of time to argue with her. I never win an argument with her anyway🙄
Umm, actually... I don’t remember the last time we hung out together. And with all the things going on in my family, I thought I really needed to get out of the house and chill my mind for a while. So, I packed my clothes the next day and took a taxi to the airport on early Friday. I was very excited and also super anxious at the same time. I didn’t know what to expect. I just hoped her friends would like me, haha.
Later that day, my plane landed safely an hour earlier than her. I decided to walk to the international arrivals and just wait for her there. It took about 10 minutes walking from domestic arrivals. It was so hot and I was sweating like crazy, haha. Of course, it’s Bali. Duh!!
Later that day, my plane landed safely an hour earlier than her. I decided to walk to the international arrivals and just wait for her there. It took about 10 minutes walking from domestic arrivals. It was so hot and I was sweating like crazy, haha. Of course, it’s Bali. Duh!!
As you may know and have seen at the Ngurah Rai domestic departure exit, there are numerous drivers offering taxi. Some of those drivers followed me down, begging me to take their taxi service. It was annoying, but I knew they were just trying to make a living so I tried not to be rude. I shook my head and smiled along the way.
You know what’s so odd? Those drivers spoke English with me😐 All of them. I don’t know how I look like to others, but this happens every time I go to touristy places like Bali, Yogyakarta, Lombok, etc. The drivers, the women who sell stuff at the beach, staff at the hotel and restaurants, basically almost everybody I meet here spoke English to me, thinking I’m a foreign tourist. Sometimes it’s cool, but most of the time it’s just annoying because they double up the price pretty much for foreigners so they charge me double just because they think I’m not an Indo girl. Bah!!
You know what’s so odd? Those drivers spoke English with me😐 All of them. I don’t know how I look like to others, but this happens every time I go to touristy places like Bali, Yogyakarta, Lombok, etc. The drivers, the women who sell stuff at the beach, staff at the hotel and restaurants, basically almost everybody I meet here spoke English to me, thinking I’m a foreign tourist. Sometimes it’s cool, but most of the time it’s just annoying because they double up the price pretty much for foreigners so they charge me double just because they think I’m not an Indo girl. Bah!!
So, back to my run away trip story...
Actually, it was my first time staying at Rumah Kayu Bali. It was my first time to experience sleeping in a bunk bed. At first, I was scared. I couldn't stop myself from thinking a stranger strangle me and then stab me while I asleep, lol. But the fact that I was there with a friend who I consider as a big sister calmed me down. And I must say, it was very comfy. Our room was super clean and, surprisingly, it smelled so good!! My bed was comfortable. Bathrooms were clean too. The staff was very friendly and will help you with anything you need. The location is just perfect because it's very close to shops and restaurants. Well, unfortunately, we only stayed here for one night before leaving the next morning to Ubud. I would consider this place to stay next time I run away from home again. Eh??
Actually, it was my first time staying at Rumah Kayu Bali. It was my first time to experience sleeping in a bunk bed. At first, I was scared. I couldn't stop myself from thinking a stranger strangle me and then stab me while I asleep, lol. But the fact that I was there with a friend who I consider as a big sister calmed me down. And I must say, it was very comfy. Our room was super clean and, surprisingly, it smelled so good!! My bed was comfortable. Bathrooms were clean too. The staff was very friendly and will help you with anything you need. The location is just perfect because it's very close to shops and restaurants. Well, unfortunately, we only stayed here for one night before leaving the next morning to Ubud. I would consider this place to stay next time I run away from home again. Eh??
We left south Bali around 4 a.m. and arrived at Tegallalang Rice Fields around 6. Guess what? Nobody was there but us so we had the rice fields for ourselves. Yay!! Bali is an emerald green paradise and hiking through the rice fields is a highlight. Actually, the plan was to see the sunrise but it was too cloudy, so...
There were so many stray dogs when we got there. And we had a little company while hiking the rice fields. This stray good black dog hiked with us for the whole 2 hours! He was following us from the entrance. I remember when we stopped to take a breath and he sat next to us, waiting. Aaw, how lovely. And he even led us a few times. He wouldn’t leave us alone. I like to think he was ‘guarding’ us.. haha. Well, anyway, later that day, we decided to visit Monkey Forest. There weren't so many tourists. Maybe because it was still too early. Good though. Our group was very loud... especially my friend, haha. She had so much fun there, laughing and joking around.
I kept telling myself not to have an eye contact with those monkeys. I was scared of those little monkeys. I kept getting this thought that they would jump to my head and scratch me or anything, haha. A bit silly, yes?
Moving on to another place, we decided to visit the market near Monkey Forest. I can't remember the name, but it's very close from the monkey sanctuary. I didn't take a single picture there because my phone was dead. These are the pictures taken after we left the market. There were many small stores around the area. And we bought gelato ice cream😋
Later that day, we went to Tegenungan waterfall. So, I'm confused, why they play such a loud club music? I mean, it's ruining the sound of the waterfall. Who comes to this place to drink and party though? It's just so weird, haha. When we were there, everybody was taking selfies, enjoying the view and stuff. Nobody was dancing around and drinking. Nobody seemed to enjoy the music.
I Have Two New Cool Friends! Yay!! 🤟🏼
I really can’t wait to go on another adventure with them again. They are all such a fun, friendly, lovely people. I feel so happy and so grateful having a chance in my life to meet and get to know these three pretty souls. I had a very good time with them. We were all laughing the entire trip!! They are all such good people and I would absolutely hang out with them again. Actually, this is the first time I feel like I’m with the right people simply because being with them is so comforting.
This is exactly the kind of trip I actually want. NO DRAMA, NO CONFLICT. Keep it simple and just HAVE FUN! Unlike those who claim themselves as my friends, these three good people treat me very nicely. None of them treated me badly by creating some crazy assumptions about me, accusing me of doing the things I didn’t do or yelling at me in public. I felt so much appreciated. Okay, so, I think I really should do this more often then. You know, hanging out with good positive people and surround myself with those who can lift me up.
wow~~~ pengalaman liburan yang sangat seru sekali kelihatannya...
ReplyDeleteaku suka dan setuju dengan apa yang kakak katakan diatas "bergaul dengan orang-orang posiitf yang baik dapat memberikan motivasi dan semangat".Thumbs up!
ah~~ jadi ingin berpetualang ke Bali bila ada kesempatan....
I am happy to hear that you met nice folks and enjoyed your time with them in Bali. It's "fun-tastic' experiences....;)
ReplyDeletetempatnya keren, pernah liat juga di acara tour korea masuk dalam list mereka tempat yang kamu kunjungin. Nanti klo aku ke sana bisa neghubungi kamu gak ya? :)
ReplyDeleteThis article reminds me when i was still in Bali. It's long time ago and i ever stayed in Ubud as well, probably eight months, the monkey forest wasn't far from where i lived. But it now looks so different, i hope i can go there someday.
ReplyDeleteHmm.. udah lama nggak ke Bali. 2019 gue masukin Bali ke daftar resolusi masa. Haha. Pengen solo traveling ke sana sih taun depan. Wkwk
ReplyDeleteHilangkan kecamasanmu dan bergaullah dengan orang-orang positif..
ReplyDeleteSatu lagi, seburuk apa pun orang memperlakukanmu, kamu tetap perlakukan mereka sebaik mungkin.. itu menunjukkan kelasmu :)
Wuhu, temanmu baik sekali langsung inisiatif meminjamkan uang untuk tiket pesawat. Saya jarang sekali punya teman seperti itu. Ketika ada yang mengajak main ke kafe terus saya mengeluh lagi bokek aja, biasanya langsung pergi sama yang lain. Tanpa melibatkan saya lagi. Tapi tetap bersyukur ketika ada 2-3 orang yang dengan entengnya bilang, "Udah, ikut aja. Soal makan dan minum mah gampang." Wqwq. :))
ReplyDeleteAnjing hitam ini termasuk liar, tapi jinak sama orang-orang yang berkunjung gitu, kah?
Hm, melarikan diri dari rumah ke tempat-tempat semacam itu pada waktu yang akan datang mah jelas perlu.
salam buat teman-teman ya, dan kenapa tidak ada foto anjingnya? saya punya teman yang lama stay di Bali, doi jadi lebih senang anjing daripada kucing, sepertinya karena di Bali anjing ada di mana-mana.
ReplyDeleteSaya terakhir ke Ubud 20 tahun yang lalu. Wah, sekarang pasti sudah lebih keren lagi. Jalan-jalan memang paling oke kalau temannya asyik. Kalau salah dapat teman, itu yang susah.
ReplyDeleteHahaha ..., kita punya pengalaman sama, pernah diajak bicara dalam bahasa Inggris.
ReplyDeleteBedanya, kak Ran ngadepin driver taxi kalau aku ditawari oleh pedagang di candi Mendut.
Aku nebaknya dari foto artikel diatas, kak Ran itu kak Ran yang berjaket hitam di foto kedua, ya ?.
Hehehe ...
Iya, kaaan ?
Jujur saja, sudah lima tahu aku tidak ke Bali, dan tiba-tiba pengen staycation di sana hahahhha.
ReplyDeleteKangen sam ombak di Pulau Lembongan kakakkkakakakak.
Wah seru juga nih maen ke bali. Itu anjing hitamnya jadi berhenti sampe mana? Pulangnya ngikut juga nggak? Muehehe.
ReplyDeleteWow, it was nice experience Ran! I dont think can having experience of yours, cause this silly introvert. Meet somebody new? OHNO.
ReplyDeleteanyway, i like your blog, simple but nice. really like it.
Pasti menyenangkan sekali bisa traveling bareng teman-teman yang sefrekuensi, yang memiliki minat dan pemikiran yang sama. Dulu sewaktu aku masih kuliah sering juga mendadak pergi bareng teman-teman kuliah yang sesama perantauan. Perginya nggak jauh, paling ke kota sebelah. Karena kami mesti ngirit tapi butuh hiburan, hihi...
ReplyDeletetiap kali ke Bali selain menikmati keindahan pantey, saya lebih suka menikmati betis dan paha yang lalu lalang bebas....asik deh
ReplyDeleteBener, di Bali banyak anjing liarnya. Tapi, tak rasa mereka gak 'liar' kok. Mereka semua jujur.
ReplyDeleteHaduh apaan sih Mike :v.
Perasaan dulu pernah tatap-tatapan lama dengan salah satu monyet di sana. Tapi gak kejadian apa-apa tuh. Mungkin monyetnya terpesona sama ketampanan saya kali yak :v. Wkwkwkwkwk
DeleteUdah pengen ke Bali gara-gara baca postingan ini, ditambah iri baca komennya kakak. Huuuuh
Waaahhh, seru banget! Semoga tahun depan bisa liburan ke Bali :")
ReplyDeleteAku setujuuu! Perlu banget temenan sama orang-orang yang positif, dan emang sih ya kadang ketemu mereka tuh bukan dari lingkungan sekitar kita yg biasa. Tp bisa aja dari temennya temen kita yg baru kenal.
Ikutan happy baca ceritanya!
Hwaaaa iya sih kalau disangka turis asing hahaha tapi menjengkelkan kalau harga didouble :D Asyik sekali perjalanannya, surfing juga, seru lah. Btw ya kadang orang-orang yang kita anggap teman tidak memperlakukan kita selayaknya teman apalagi sahabat. Terkadang kebaikan itu justru datang dari orang-orang yang kita anggap bukan sahabat.
ReplyDeleteMasalah keuanganku juga sangat ketat nih ,tapi sayang sekali tidak ada yang mau memberikan pinjaman atau hutangan. Sebenarnya ini sekali ingin ke Bali.
ReplyDeleteSaya paling takut de bu an kerumunan monyet, layaknya gangster, mereka berani menjambret barang2 yg kita bawa....
ReplyDeletesudah selesai liburan, jangan lupakan pinjamannya kak wkwkwkwk....
ReplyDeleteHello Ran, membaca postingan ini ada dua hal yang membuat saya seperti bingung sendiri hehehee..
ReplyDeletePertama, ada ya orang sebaik temannya Ran, sangat baik, selama hidup saya belum pernah menemui orang sebaik itu, entahlah mungkin suatu saaat.
Kedua, saya berharap Ran bisa menikmati hari-hari dengan riang, ikut kudoakan untuk hal ini, semangat,
maaf bangat, maaf ya..
Apakah fonenya bisa diperbesar?
Oh lupa satu hal, jika semua berbicara Bahasa Inggris berarti Ran nampak seperti orang Barat, itu hebat menurut saya, menghadirkan sisi lain dari hal yang agak berbeda menurut orang kebanyakan,
ReplyDeleteLooks like you got so much funnnn
ReplyDeleteGlad to know that
I think you really can't go anywhere as what you ever told
Kabur?? Hmmm.. Ide yang bagus. Hehehe.
ReplyDeleteIts okay being yourself. Kita harus berbaur dengan teman-teman sih memang. Melelahkan kadang. Yanh penting seperti kak ran, kita tahu mana yang musti kita pilih buat nyenengin hati kita. Hehe
Ditengah-tengah paragraf, saya sempet berasumsi gini 'wah, bakal dibayarin nih, GRATIS." Oh ternyata salah. Dipinjami doang, wkwkwk. Ketauan kan, kalau saya ini mental anak-anak gratisan.
ReplyDeleteItu monyet-monyet amankah? Sering parno karena kalau lihat video di Instagram, kadang nemu rekaman dari turis, kalau hewan liar (macam monyet) di tempat wisata gini, sering nyerang pengunjung gitu...
mantep keren bali emang
ReplyDeleteWahhh ga ada translatenyaa, gak ngerti :(
ReplyDeleteAsyik sekali deh baca ceritanya, aku menikmati 😊 Aku juga suka canggung kalau ketemu orang baru, butuh waktu beberapa jam sampai aku jadi akrab dan "terbuka". Belum pernah aku nginep di penginapan yang pakai bunk bed gitu. Aaa coba kamu foto dalem nya, pengen lihat 😁 Selamat tahun baru ya, semoga semuanya menjadi lebih baik ✨✨✨✨
ReplyDeleteAsyik sekali deh baca ceritanya, aku menikmati 😊 Aku juga suka canggung kalau ketemu orang baru, butuh waktu beberapa jam sampai aku jadi akrab dan "terbuka". Belum pernah aku nginep di penginapan yang pakai bunk bed gitu. Aaa coba kamu foto dalem nya, pengen lihat 😁 Selamat tahun baru ya, semoga semuanya menjadi lebih baik ✨✨✨✨
ReplyDeletePergilah bertualang, tetapi jangan lupa pulang. Maaf, tak sempat memberi lelucon di tulisan sebelumnya—masih butuh? Semoga sudah baikan, ya. Happy new year, Ran!
ReplyDeletemantap neh neh kebali, bisa puas eksplore destinasi wisatanya
ReplyDeleteThat waterfall is so close to where i live.. Thanks for visiting Bali and there are lot more places to be explored..
ReplyDeletesalam kenal ya mbak ran..
Ohh iyaaa, bli .. ?
DeleteWuaaah kok asiiik sekali ..
Boleh dong kapan pas aku ke Bali dianterin kesana ?
Nice story, love Bali and really miss Bali 😂
ReplyDeletesenang y rasnya liburan dgn teman2 baik. lupakan mereka yg menyakitimu. Smoga hidupmu selalu indah n jauh dari org jahat.
ReplyDeleteSelalu suka dengan tulisannya. Berani coba backpackeran dengan ongkos seadanya gak kak? Hehe
ReplyDeleteHi Ran..
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time to leave a comment in English, however I used bahasa before. But I wanna try my English. If I make mistakes, just tell me..
Glad to know you out from comfort zone.
I really into travelling since 2016, then my biggest bucket list is solo trip. I tried for twice but it failed, hahaha.. but I want to give up, I will try again after this.
My last trip to Bali wasn't my best travel ever, I got a wrong friend and my planned for exploring Bali failed. I was mad, but I learnt something new, we must prepared our trip with careful. It's not only about transportation, hotel, or meals. Who you bring with you, it's important too..
DAmn GIRL! I miss that gelato secret!!!! SEMAKIN RINDU UBUD!!!! Bulan depan ahhhhh
ReplyDeleteand yes, Tegalalang is yours if you arrive before 8am :D I went there at 4 pm, got nothing, cant even enjoy the view. The next day we went there at 7 and its all mine LOL
So... congrats on making new friends and had a NO DRAMA trips. It was a great trip I believe :)
Hallo ka Ran.. Lucky you have new cool friends that is so kindly person even you just met them.
ReplyDeleteWah asyik sekali ya liburan bareng teman ke Bali.. It must be fun holidays. Cheers..
[I leave a message here in case my message in the message box on the sidebar is not sent]
ReplyDeleteLook, I know you are in a terrible situation and you are facing so many problems
But that's life
You might think I'm liar but everyone else have as many problems too.
But most of them just do not show it. They do not tel it
They keep it for theirselves for privacy reason and to make is less bigger (because some problems can be bigger when other people knew about it lol)
The thing that I like about life is how the time can change situation even if we are not trying to change anything.
So I usually let it be
I fight as far as I can, then I let it be
I do my best, and for the result I let it be
It's okay if we can not reach our goals, life is never about exact amount of target
It is okay to be different
It is okay to be not okay
It is okay to be a loser
It is okay to be failed
In the end, the hapiness is depends on how we see things and how we make things. Happiness is not a destiny, Ithink. Hapiness is the things that we make
Happiness is a choice
So let's choose to be happy
Let's be grateful for 1 piece of cake, than worying why we only have 9 pieces and not 10.
Let's be grateful for being alive, with complete hands and feet, eyes, ears..
Many people are not so lucky for having them, you know
Let's see those who are under us, than looking up to people above
Let's be grateful for what we have, instead of thinking about what we don't
Let's be grateful for having parents. Many people are not having even one
In my case, life is that simple
I hope yours too
Don't think too much, just do it
Don't imagine too much, just face it
Do things that makes you happy
Do things that you like
I hope you enjoy your life more :)
Saya pengen komen yang Quicksand ajaaaa, tapi ga ada kolom komen ya? hehehehe
ReplyDeleteCuman mau berkirim peluk untuk itu..
Dan bilang "Semangaaattt"
Semua perasaan itu manusiawi.
Semua orang pernah merasakan hal itu, maka jika memang mengganggu, boleh banget kok mengeluh dan menangis.
Suatu saat nanti, tulisan tersebut bakal menjadi kenangan terindah dalam hidupnya :)
Dan mari kita get lost in Bali, hadehhh di Bali kok get lost yak, tinggal nanya bli-bli aja, ketemu deh jalan pulang hahahahaa
Semangaatttt :D
Just read the Quicksand, Ran. I hope you ll be okay. Mungkin kau (dan kita) sedang berada di usia struggle yang rasa-rasanya segalanya bertubi-tubi. Aku tak tahu masalahmu sebesar apa (semoga tabah ya), tetapi tetaplah jadikan blog sebagai teman bercerita.
ReplyDeleteSependapat dengan usulan kak Ajeng.
DeleteTerus semangat, kak Ran
Yes! Finally something about thesis writing.
ReplyDeleteYou saw dolphin swimming?? Wooowww! Always love Bali...
ReplyDeleteSuperbbb. Bali is so cool as always. Happy to get new friends and enjoy bali vibes to the fulles. I miss Bali, hopefully can visit Bali in near time. ♥️ Thanks for sharing the stories ran. Stay healthy 🤗
ReplyDeleteWow senang banget punya teman yang mau fasilitasi kita traveling meski sifatnya dipinjami. Menujukkan betapa dia percaya dan sangat berharap kehadiran kita.