Halo! How was your weekend? I hope it went great. Mine was not fun at all. It was dead boring. I was very bored at home, everybody was yelling at each other, arguing over some silly stuff. I felt like I needed to get out of the house, away from these people, before I got depressed or overthinking about anything. My mood wasn’t good at all. I thought being alone was what I actually needed. So, I checked in at Artotel, Jakarta. Once in a while, I need this. I need some time on my own. It’s allowing me to focus on myself. No pressure, no stress, and no worries. Just me, enjoying my staycation.
Anyway, I really enjoyed my staying at Artotel. It’s actually my second staying, just a few weeks after the first one. What I like about this hotel is their mural art. The building itself has "tattoos" around it. It’s a tattooed building! That’s how I see Artotel, haha. I really like this hotel because the exterior design isn’t like any other "normal" building, haha. Awesome artwork!!
So, coming to stay at Artotel is like there’s a surprise waiting for you. You never know which room they put you in and you can only guess. I think you can request for any room you like, but I always love surprise so I let them decide for me. It’s quite exciting actually because every room has a different style, different artwork. I took only few photos of my room. It’s not so big, but it’s clean and very comfortable. I like it; the good smell when I walked into the room and also the art on the wall. It’s a 🐋 whale!!
This is a nice place to stay if anyone of you are visiting Jakarta. It’s right in the heart of the city center. It’s so easy to access from anywhere in Jakarta. There’s a Transjakarta bus to get you to Monas if you’d like to see the monument or National Museum that's located right across the monument. Get a Flazz Card or e-money card if you want to get on the bus.
The location of this hotel is just perfect. There’s Sarinah where you can shop for clothes, food, groceries, or even souvenirs. There are many good restaurants around and there’s also Starbuck’s Coffee across the Sarinah Plaza. Feeling bored and want to see a movie? Don’t worry, there’s a movie theatre too! You won’t regret staying here.
This is my second staying at Artotel and no disappointment. The room was ready when I arrived. It didn’t even take time too long to check in and check out. Staff was friendly. Well, as you all may know, I'm very shy and awkward. Staying at this hotel, being surrounded by nice friendly people, makes me feel welcomed. I love friendly and smiling staff.
What’s even more surprising to me about the hotel is that they have many variety of food for breakfast! Well, for 3 star hotel, their breakfast is great and tasty as well. You guys should come and experience the wonderful experience yourself. It’s value for money and nice as well. The manager has done very good job. If you’re not staying at this hotel, you can still have breakfast here. You only need to pay 127. So cheap!!
Oh, there are 2 other shopping place around, Grand Indonesia mall and Plaza Indonesia. Take the bus if you like or just walk. I decided to walk instead. I wanted to enjoy the sunny afternoon. It felt so good to walk along Jalan Thamrin, to see all those tall buildings and just enjoy my afternoon walking. It took 20 minutes for me to reach Plaza Indonesia. I stopped by at the plaza because I was so thirsty. I bought myself a tall cup of chocolate at Starbuck’s, then moved on to Grand Indonesia, right across the plaza.
Actually, I’m not into Thai food but that night, just before I went back to my hotel, I decided to eat at Greyhound. It was almost 9.30 p.m and I wasn’t so hungry actually. I was just not ready to go back to my hotel and end the day. I was tired, but I was still sad and my mood was still ruined too. I actually wanted to go to Fatahillah Museum. I wanted to see how it looks like at night, but it’s a long way to go there and I was all lone. I wasn’t brave enough to go on my own at night. So, I left and went back to the hotel after I finished my meal😔
So, I actually didn’t plan to buy anything. I just wanted to go for a walk and get this stress out of my chest, but heck, I ended up buying this at Zara. It’s not expensive, but I don’t really need this. Silly me. I just keep buying stuff I don’t need when I’m on stressed mode. 😑Bah! Buying stuff doesn't make you happy, it's actually what you do with it that does (unless it's something that you really need or want). Buying things makes me feel better. I guess I'll just sell this or give it away, haha.
Anyway, I really enjoyed my staying at Artotel. It’s actually my second staying, just a few weeks after the first one. What I like about this hotel is their mural art. The building itself has "tattoos" around it. It’s a tattooed building! That’s how I see Artotel, haha. I really like this hotel because the exterior design isn’t like any other "normal" building, haha. Awesome artwork!!
The location of this hotel is just perfect. There’s Sarinah where you can shop for clothes, food, groceries, or even souvenirs. There are many good restaurants around and there’s also Starbuck’s Coffee across the Sarinah Plaza. Feeling bored and want to see a movie? Don’t worry, there’s a movie theatre too! You won’t regret staying here.
This is my second staying at Artotel and no disappointment. The room was ready when I arrived. It didn’t even take time too long to check in and check out. Staff was friendly. Well, as you all may know, I'm very shy and awkward. Staying at this hotel, being surrounded by nice friendly people, makes me feel welcomed. I love friendly and smiling staff.
What’s even more surprising to me about the hotel is that they have many variety of food for breakfast! Well, for 3 star hotel, their breakfast is great and tasty as well. You guys should come and experience the wonderful experience yourself. It’s value for money and nice as well. The manager has done very good job. If you’re not staying at this hotel, you can still have breakfast here. You only need to pay 127. So cheap!!
Oh, there are 2 other shopping place around, Grand Indonesia mall and Plaza Indonesia. Take the bus if you like or just walk. I decided to walk instead. I wanted to enjoy the sunny afternoon. It felt so good to walk along Jalan Thamrin, to see all those tall buildings and just enjoy my afternoon walking. It took 20 minutes for me to reach Plaza Indonesia. I stopped by at the plaza because I was so thirsty. I bought myself a tall cup of chocolate at Starbuck’s, then moved on to Grand Indonesia, right across the plaza.
Actually, I’m not into Thai food but that night, just before I went back to my hotel, I decided to eat at Greyhound. It was almost 9.30 p.m and I wasn’t so hungry actually. I was just not ready to go back to my hotel and end the day. I was tired, but I was still sad and my mood was still ruined too. I actually wanted to go to Fatahillah Museum. I wanted to see how it looks like at night, but it’s a long way to go there and I was all lone. I wasn’t brave enough to go on my own at night. So, I left and went back to the hotel after I finished my meal😔
I ordered this that night.
It’s the only Thai food I know that’s not spicy, haha..
Thai Braised Beef Noodle Soup With Beef Balls, 85
It’s the only Thai food I know that’s not spicy, haha..
Thai Braised Beef Noodle Soup With Beef Balls, 85
The desert!
Tub Tim Krob Greyhound Style, 48
Tub Tim Krob Greyhound Style, 48
Orange Juice 48
So, that’s it for today. I guess I’ll see you next time.
Asyik ya konsep hotelnya, jadi setiap kamar itu punya desain yang beda-beda. Jadi pengalaman unik buat orang yang menginap di situ. Makanannya juga yuhuuuuu. Enjoy.
ReplyDeletedan yang pasti sepulang nginep dihotel tersebut...pastiparapenumpangnya bakalan nerapin konsepnya di rumahnya masing-masing deh....kayanya mah itu ge...ketang
DeleteSaya dulu pernah menaruh tamu kantor (peserta training) di Artotel. Kalau yang muda-muda, nggak ada yang komplain, karena posisinya dekat dengan Grand Indonesia (kalau mau have fun) dan dekat dengan Tanah Abang (kalau mau cari oleh-oleh di kampung). Tapi yang tua-tua komplain berat karena nggak suka dengan interiornya. Bahkan, ada yang nggak bisa tidur karena ada gambar seperti mata di dindingnya. Memang hotel ini cocoknya untuk generasi masa kini.
ReplyDeleteWow keren sekali design eksterior hotelnya, bikin betah dong kalo bermalam disana ditambah lagi dgn sajian menunya yg menggoda selera.
ReplyDeletewih keren ya hotelnya nbertato,,,
ReplyDeleteJadi ini lagi travel alone gitu yah? Macam quality time gitu? Ah jadi pengen >,<
ReplyDeleteBtw nuansa hotelnya bagus yaaa, remang-remang ketenangan gitu. Jadi bayangin, kalau aku lagi ada disana sendirian, aku juga pasti akan menulis semuanya di blog. Yang aku alami, yang aku rasa, tenang pastinya
Well, aku juga suka kayak kamu kok. Awalnya nggak ada niat belanja ini-itu. Eh tau-tau, kayak tergiur belinya. Kalo aku sih alasannya: ya anggaplah sebagai cenderamata dari kunjunganku ke tempat itu. Lol.
ReplyDeletegue baru tau nama hotel yang ad lukisan dari Darbotz. keren uy. gue d jakarta kayaknya enggak pernah sampe nginep ke hotel juga sih. rumah aja lah, apalagi nyokap hobi doyan masak.
ReplyDeletegue baru tau klo yg pnya blog ini orang jakarta. hahah
rasanya, ga sepemalu itu juga sih. buktinya bisa berinteraksi dengan orang baru, dan bisa berbaur. klo gue sebenernya enggak pemalu, lebih ke enggak peduli sma sekitar aja. ehe
bingung juga buat basa-basinya
Seandainya semua keluargaku adalah orang-orang yg waras, aku rasa aku juga akan betah ada di rumah dan gak perlu sampai nginep di hotel. Aku gak kenal kamu dan aku gak tau seperti apa keluarga yg kamu punya, tapi dari komentarmu, kamu patut bersyukur punya keluarga lebih waras dari keluargaku. Kamu beruntung karena kamu gak perlu mendengar keributan, atau berurusan dengan teriakan saling memaki satu sama lain, saling sindir, merendahkan, tidak ada kepedulian satu sama lain, sibuk saling menjatuhkan dan silau akan harta. Itu semua cuma akan membuat kamu merasa asing di lingkungan keluargamu sendiri.
DeleteBagiku, hotel adalah tempat teraman di saat rumah sedang gaduh dengan segala keributan dan perdebatan soal materi. Jelas kita punya standar kenyaman yg berbeda. Standar kenyamananmu adalah di rumah. Sementara standar kenyamananku adalah di luar rumah, jauh dari manusia-manusia sakit penggila harta.
Ran. :(
DeleteArtotel keren yaak, tapi kalau warnanya gelap lalu tidur sendiri, saya takuuttt hihihi
ReplyDeleteYang di Surabaya kayaknya nuansa Kuning deh, emang keren muralnya.
Lagi 'me time' nih ceritanya ya.
ReplyDeleteKeren hotelnya, yang bikin mupeng sih coffee maker-nya secara udah ngincer sejak lama 😅
Saya sebenarnya ingin berkomentar, tapi mau bagaimana lagi bahwa kenyamanan seseorang memiliki standar masing-masing. Nyamanmu bukan berarti nyamanku, bisa sebaliknya. Kembali lagi, ketika rumah sudah menjadi sesuatu yang nyaman untuk singgah dan komunikasi tak bisa terjalin dengan baik lagi setelah berusaha memperbaikinya, maka kau punya hak untuk menemukan "rasa nyaman" yang selama sering kau anggap hilang.
ReplyDeletesalam! semoga bahagia selalu :D
Wah staycation di hotel ya. Weekend kemarin aku sama keluarga juga staycation di hotel. Pengen nyari suasana lain aja sih. Kalau anakku bilang, "Ibu cuma pengen pindah tempat tidur aja." Alhamdulillah suami setuju dan kami booking hotelnya di jalan. Memang mendadak sih, but we enjoyed the time.
ReplyDeleteHahaha ..
DeleteSiapa tauuu ...
Ntar malah kak Ran dapat suami yang punya banyak jaringan hotel di dalam dan luar negri ..
Tiap hari dan tau-tau lagi bosen dirumah tinggal mencelat staycation syantik di salah satu hotel miliknya ...
Hope will be come true 😉
Amiiiin ....
DeleteAku doakan terkabulkan 😇
Jangan lupa undang aku ya, juga aku kan ... , pengin staycation juga 😅
Datang lagi di mari ...
DeleteMenengok kesini hehehe.
Lagi sibuk ya kak Ran ?.
Saya sering booking hotel on the spot. I like to stay at a hotel too, for one night or two. Beberapa hotel ada yg kasih dikon akhir pekan klw jd member. Saya blm pernah coba nginap di artotel. Keliatannya keren juga. Barusan cek pricenya, ternyata murah juga ya. Menggoda nih...
ReplyDeleteduh.. liat foto makanannya jadi ngiler.. hotelnya juga kelihatan asyik..
ReplyDeleteKamarnya membuat saya susah tidur tu. Jadi takut nih mau menginap disana.
ReplyDeleteDah sini itu barang buat saya saja, tapi gratis ya :)
Pastinya barangnya sudah laku ya? :)
DeleteMuahahah boleh ku ketawa? Karena kalo aku lg ga mood juga ke gak warasanku membawaku untuk gesek dan kluarin lembaran di dompet hahahha! Aku sedih tapi ya gimanaaaaaaa
ReplyDeleteenak jg ya staycation skali2 gitu di kota sendiri. Mau cobain ah kalo butuh ntr. Padahal rumahku jg pas ditengah kota wkwkkw tp ya why not ??? :D
Di Artotel Jakarta ada perosotan juga nggak, Kak?
ReplyDeleteKalau di Jogja ada. Dan aku pengen banget itu nak perosotan. Wkwkwk
Saya pikir tadi tulisan ini adalah review berbayar, hahaha ....
ReplyDeleteBagus hotelnya, aku tebak itu yang punya pasti anak muda yang kreatif. Aku juga suka kejutan tapi kejutan yang manis, bukan kejutan yang ketika masuk kamar tau-tau ada gambar menyeramkan di dinding, wkwkwkwk .... langsung ngacir pulang ke rumah :)
Sekali-kali pengen staycation begini, tapi selalu banyak pertimbangan, terutama sayang uangnya hahaha ....
Ayuk, ajak aku staycation gratis dong :))))
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing
WAH keren bener itu bagian depan hotelnyaaaa! Jadi pengen nyoba nginep di sana :D
ReplyDeleteKeren pisan eyy, coba aja kamar gua kayak gitu, pasti bisa disewain, lumayan buat ngecengin gebetab ckck
ReplyDeletebaru saja baca postingan kampung mural, sekarang hotel bertato. jadi ingat bener dulu saya sering dibilang jago gambar, tapi sekarang tangan pegang pensil saja gemeteran. selamat untuk jalan-jalannya ya.
ReplyDeleteKalau arttotel di Jogja malah ada mainan prosotan dari restoran ke lobi hahahahaha. Konsepnya art semua, sesuai dengan namanya
ReplyDeleteItu beneran emang, setiap kamar punya artwork yang berbeda? Konseptor hotelnya keren banget berati ya? Beneran out of the box. Jadi orang - orang yang nginep disitu (apalagi kalau udah lebih dari 1X dan dapet ruang yang berbeda), bisa dapet pengalaman nginep yang berbeda juga...
ReplyDeleteUdah laku belum itu barangnya? *nanya doang, sih--kagak mau beli juga XD
Seumur-umur main ke hotel, kayaknya paling sering cuma jemput temen dari luar kota yang lagi nginep di sana. Terus, kalau lagi ada acara bloger. Itu akomodasi pun udah ditanggung sama pihak penyelenggara. Belum pernah keluar duit sendiri. Hahaha. Entah emang dasarnya kurang suka boros atau lebih sreg tidur di penginapan yang model losmen. :D
ReplyDeleteMenyalurkan emosinya supaya kembali normal gokil, sih. Sekacau-kacaunya saya, belum pernah asal beli gitu. Tapi kalau main ke toko buku niatnya cuma buat liat-liat, eh tau-tau bawa pulang minimal satu buku, itu lumayan sering. Wqwq.
Btw, maaf oot, tapi makasih buat komentar-komentar terakhir di blog saya, Ran. Nanti kalau suatu hari buku itu jadi (entah format digital atau fisik), bakal saya kabarin. :p
Artistik sekali ya hotelnya. Jadi pengen mencobanya jika ada kesempatan, soalnya saya suka seni hehe. Oh iya kalo boleh saran, tolong diaktifkan mode mobilenya biar pembaca bisa lebih nyaman jika baca dari smarthphonenya.
ReplyDeleteBtw salam kenal! Semoga bahagia selalu. Aamiin :)
Ran,i feel you obviously. Hiks.
ReplyDeleteSeperti ada aku gitu di cerita ini. Hehe. Btw, aku sering banget travel alone karna suasana rumah yang toxic. Banyak yang aku lakuin secara sendiri. Lebih seringnya sih, pergi nonton, makan di restoran, jalan-jalan di mall, dan ke toko buku.
Semangat ya cantiik.
Dari semua artotel yang ada di Indonesia, aku paling cinta sama artotel yang ada di Yogyakarta. Perosotannya itu loh unyu!
ReplyDeleteWah bagus juga ya arhotel jakarta, aku pernah liat yang jogja, desainnya unik, tapi belum mampu buat nyobain disana wkwk *bukan curhat.
ReplyDeleteTapi aku juga suka beli sesuatu saat gabutuh, trus dijual lagi. wkwk
Artotel namanya? Gokil parah sih seninya. asliiiiik. bakal mencoba ke sana ah jika ada kesempatan :'
ReplyDeletesama mbak..
ReplyDeletesaya kalau ada rejeki, main kehotel bareng keluarga..
lumayan dapat kasur empuk plus berendam lama-lama..
lagian ditempat saya banyak hotelnya.. hehe
keren hotelnya, nuansa berbeda dari umumnya hotel
ReplyDeleteWaaah bangunannya artsy banget, ungu nyentrik hahahha. Pengen cobain nginep disana jadinya, desain interiornya bagus Gak ?
ReplyDeletekeren nih hotel, unik dan punya ciri khas sendiri.. sekelas hotel bintang tiga, dengan kualitas kamar dan menu makanannya sih oke banget..
ReplyDeleteNow THAT is what we call art
ReplyDeleteKeren bangeeeeeettt
And looks comfy!
Wah, sesuai namanya ya, artsy sekali. Suka lihatnya :)
ReplyDeleteBangunan nya unik banget sumpah, dari tampilan nya nih kayaknya artistik banget ya hotelnya.. next akan cari tau lebih banyak hehe..
ReplyDeleteHey Ran, I also love to stay in the hotel. As you know, in my home island, Bali, there are lot of choices.
ReplyDeleteOnce, I booked 3 stars hotel in only just 200K per night. With "private like" swimming pool, nice staff and delicious food. Drink juice as much as I can..
Next time, when you visit Bali again, try to book a hotel in Jimbaran. The price is so affordable.
Ayo update lagiiii
ReplyDeleteBahaya mbak jalan-jalan sendiri nanti diculik. Hati-hati. Jangan sedih, jangan meleng. Nanti disamber orang jahad. Kalau ada yang mengganjal sebaiknya dibicarakan dengan keluarga baik-baik. Jadi semua masalah bisa terselesaikan dengan baik.