Halo. How are you?
Ever since I was little, I always like to draw because it's fun to me. Drawing always works to make me feel relaxed and forget all my problems for a while. It's like my other way to express my feelings beside blogging. Actually, drawing has helped me through difficult times to cope with my anxiety in ways I can't put into words. When I draw, I feel like I get lost in my own little world, where the only two things that exist are the subject of my drawing and me. It feels so good to let my imagination go on a piece of paper. It's a really fun way to kill time. I could spend hours just to draw one subject. I would rather choose drawing than going out somewhere with some friends. Haha, weird? Wait, do I even have friends?
Ever since I was little, I always like to draw because it's fun to me. Drawing always works to make me feel relaxed and forget all my problems for a while. It's like my other way to express my feelings beside blogging. Actually, drawing has helped me through difficult times to cope with my anxiety in ways I can't put into words. When I draw, I feel like I get lost in my own little world, where the only two things that exist are the subject of my drawing and me. It feels so good to let my imagination go on a piece of paper. It's a really fun way to kill time. I could spend hours just to draw one subject. I would rather choose drawing than going out somewhere with some friends. Haha, weird? Wait, do I even have friends?
I drew these two years ago when my right hand was still fine to draw anything I liked for hours. Good times. I spent two hours to draw the Japanese girl and thirty minutes or less to draw the second one.
People often ask me if I went to a drawing school or course. The answer is no. I taught myself how to draw back when I was little. My parents were so busy working. I didn't have anybody to play with because I didn't have many friends so I always had to stay at home after school with my grandmother. So, to overcome my boredom, I started to draw.
I am not an expert at drawing, doodling by any means, but I have come a long way in my abilities. I really envy those who can draw like Leonardo, but I also think that I will never get there, lol.
People often ask me if I went to a drawing school or course. The answer is no. I taught myself how to draw back when I was little. My parents were so busy working. I didn't have anybody to play with because I didn't have many friends so I always had to stay at home after school with my grandmother. So, to overcome my boredom, I started to draw.
I am not an expert at drawing, doodling by any means, but I have come a long way in my abilities. I really envy those who can draw like Leonardo, but I also think that I will never get there, lol.
I believe that everybody can draw whatever they like. Just remember, don’t ever give up easily and tell yourself that you can’t draw. If I can draw, you can do it too. Hey, I once was at that moment where my drawing teacher claimed myself as someone that has no ability or skill to draw, but that didn’t stop me. In fact, what he said to me gave me so much motivation to proof that I actually can draw! So screw him. I just kept trying and trying. I remember I started drawing by copying a cartoon character from my computer screen. Imagine that! Then my grandmother told me to try to draw it without tracing it. So you should give it a try. There are many drawing or doodling tutorials on YouTube. Look them up!
To this day, I still draw but not as often as I used to. This is my latest drawing. The day I drew this was when I started to get hand pain. I spent six or seven hours just to draw this peacock. I was so obsessed by this one. I didn't want to stop before I finished it, but the hand pain was unbearable so I had to take more than 10 breaks.
To this day, I still draw but not as often as I used to. This is my latest drawing. The day I drew this was when I started to get hand pain. I spent six or seven hours just to draw this peacock. I was so obsessed by this one. I didn't want to stop before I finished it, but the hand pain was unbearable so I had to take more than 10 breaks.
I always held the pencil way too hard. My pointing fingers can’t bend since then. So, now, whenever I draw something, I have to take at least ten minutes rest every a few minutes drawing because my pointing fingers hurts really bad.
Is there any way to prevent your hand from getting sore so you can draw for longer periods of time? What do you do when your hand gets sore? Please, let me know if there’s any. Thank you in advance.
When it’s too painful to draw, I just take a break, soak my hand in cold water and do some wrist stretching but I feel like it’s useless. I wonder if anyone out there has some other hand-treatment technique or whatever to prevent or reduce this hand pain. I’m not a professional artist… obviously. I just love to draw. Holding the pencil too tight mostly the cause of my hand pain. I put the pressure too hard on it.
I guess that’s it for today. Thank you so much for wasting your precious time reading my boring update, hehe. See you on my next post. Have a fantastic day to all of you!! ❤️
Waduwww kok bisa sampai sakit gt ya. Apa terlalu memforsir ya?
ReplyDeleteSemangat terus ya menggambarnya.
coba bawa ke akupuntur biar sakitnya bisa berkurang
ReplyDeleteWaah mbaak kok bisa sampe sakit gtu tangannya? apa terlalu keras menggambarnya ya mbak? bagussss bangeeet gambarnyaaa, looks so professional. Semoga lekas sembuh yaa mbak sakitnyaa, aamiin :)
ReplyDeleteWow kereeen bgt deh gambarannya... Aku suka sirik dengan org yg pintar gambar krn aku ga bs... Buat garis aja kayaknya ga singkron apalg menggambar... Mmg bakat aja ga selalu yaa.. Yg ptg suka dan emg hobi... Tp ku ga bs gbr... Pdhl cewe pinter gbr itu mwnurutku keren looh.. Salut... Duh ga ada saran aku tuh.. Plg istrht aja x jg terlalu forsir...
ReplyDeleteAwesome drawings!!
ReplyDeleteI love coloring :)
Menggambar bisa menjadikan Seni untuk diri sendiri serta orang lain. Intinya selain menggambar dengan cat air atau sejenisnya bisa juga nilai seni gambar dari debu yang menempel...😄😄
ReplyDeleteKalau tangan terasa sakit selesai menggambar sebaiknya periksalah kedokter secara ekstra. Takutnya ada masalah pada tulang jari..😄😄
You are an artist beautiful draws!!
Great post, love it! :)
ReplyDeleteIf you want that we follow each other let me know by leaving a comment on my last post and please click on links at the end. --> https://beautyshapes3.blogspot.com/2019/08/beach-black-outfit-zaful-rosegal.html
Kok bisa sampai sakit, apa karena menggambarnya terlalu keras
ReplyDeleteDulu saya juga suka gambar, tapi kebanyakan gambar manga. Itupun manga bergenre shonen. Cuma untuk masalah tangan pegal sampai sakit belum pernah mengalaminya. Jadinya saya tidak bisa ngasih solusi..
ReplyDeleteNgomong-ngomong, gambarnya bagus. Bisa dijadikan cover majalah dan manga nih..
Hello, thanks for visiting my blog. :-) By the way, very beautiful drawings.
Luaahh.... Kalau tarikan garisnya udah ke gituh mah udah masuk kategori profesional dan jadinya ngga cuma buat therapy ai kitu mah atuh neng... Tapi jadi duit... hehe
ReplyDeleteGambarnya sukerenpisan euy
I love drawing too!
ReplyDeleteYour illustrations are very beautiful, you're talented!
Wow! Such a beautiful drawings, you are so creative!
Wah, gambarnya keren! Jarinya apa sudah pernah diperiksakan ke dokter? Kalau pakai pensil sakit, mungkin bisa mulai belajar pakai cat air. Kan kalau cat air kuasnya nggak perlu ditekan. Lukisan cat air juga keren, lho.
ReplyDeleteTernyata kamu banyak bisanya ya, Ran. Keren euy. Kemampuannya emang sering disembunyikan, kah? :)
ReplyDeleteGambar emang berguna juga kayak menulis. Lumayan bisa jadi pelarian ketika lagi malas berhadapan dengan teks.
Saya udah jarang banget gambar pakai pensil atau pulpen sayangnya, sih. Seringnya di Photoshop atau Paint (oke, ini jadul banget, tapi saya suka iseng menorehkan pena di sini). Saya enggak tahu gimana rasanya menggambar pakai pensil, terus tangan sakit. Ya, mungkin tanganmu kurang rileks saat memegang pensilnya.
Hmm, yang saya tahu, menggambar pakai mouse jelas bikin tangan sakit. Biasanya kalau udah dua jam lebih bakal berasa. Telunjuk, pergelangan tangan, dan pundak sampai ke leher. Belum lagi kalau kelamaan duduk dan kurang minum air putih, punggung ikut-ikutan.
Biasanya saya rebahan doang terus melemaskan jari maupun tangan yang kayak kamu sebutkan. Mengepalkan tangan lalu membukanya dengan cepat juga agak menolong.
Baru sadar, blog ini tulisannya banyak yang dihapus dan lumayan lama menghilang. Kamu apa kabar? Baik-baik aja kan, Ran?
DeleteAmazing ... very beautiful.
ReplyDeletewow U got talent;)
ReplyDeleteYou are good. I love drawing too.
ReplyDeleteAmanzing :)
ReplyDeleteWow, you are really talented! I also love to draw but mine pieces are not that good!
keren sekali gambarnya mbak, sangat butuh kesabaran coz obyeknya rumit sekali,..jari tangannya perlu di terapi akupungtur biar sembuh jadi mengambarnya bisa nyaman lagi mbak
ReplyDeletekeren sekali gambarnya mbak, sungguh butuh sekali kesabaran makanya butuh waktu berjam-jam, obyeknya rumit sekali sih,...btw jari tangannya perlu diterapi akupungtur mbak biar sembuh
ReplyDeleteWell bisa menggambar sebagus ini, udah level maestro nih.
ReplyDeleteAyo terus kembangkan mba
Sama, menggambar adalah salah satu caraku untuk membuatku lupa pada masalah pas lagi ada masalah sih haha baca novel juga sama. Cari novel yang rumit maka rumitnya dunia nyata akan lupa seketika haha
ReplyDeleteDari kecil juga sama, aku belajar gambar secara otodidak, tapi tidak sebagus kamu yang masih sering menggambar sepertinya, karena ada suatu masalah aku memutuskan untuk berhenti menggambar :) menggambar hanya jika sangat ingin + sekali haha
ReplyDeleteDibandingkan menggambar, saya lebih suka mewarnai. Saya bisa tahan seharian duduk untuk mewarnai adult coloring book saya tapi abis itu punggung rasanya kaya mau rontok
Semoga cepat sembuh ya kak biar bisa berkarya tanpa harus terhambat seperti itu.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting
ReplyDeleteDrawing nice
ReplyDeleteWell done❣
ReplyDeleteAku suka menggambar, tapi biasanya menggambar pohon delonix. gak tau kenapa gambarku selalu gambar itu. smpe dinding kamar aku gmbar wall painting
ReplyDeleteYou're amazing at it. I love that first drawing of yours.
ReplyDeleteKalau sakit tangannya, mungkin lebih baik dikonsultasikan dengan dokter agar bisa dicarikan solusi agar tidak mengganggu saat saat menggambarnya
ReplyDeleteWaktu kecil dulu suka banget menggambar sampai ikut lomba beberapa kali. Semakin besar semakin jarang mengasah skill dan sekarang ngga pernah lagi menggambar.. Tapi aku gak pernah menghabiskan waktu sampe berjam2 dan sampe tangan sakit sih..
ReplyDeleteSemoga tanganmu lekas sembuh
-Traveler Paruh Waktu
Wah, kamu jago gambar ya.. aku dong ga bisa gambar sebagus itu. Btw, tiap orang punya therapy nya masing-masing untuk mengatasi segala kecemasan dan sesuatu yang mengacaukan pikiran, kalau aku mungkin lebih ke menulis dan makan (whaha ga ketinggalan ya makan). tapi kamu hebat loh bisa gambar sebagus itu.. keren..
ReplyDeletepengen bilang "aku gak bisa menggambar" tapi pas nyoba bisa ding. gambar abstrak tapi. hahahaha.
ReplyDeletebtw semoga lekas dapat cara untuk menyembuhkan tanganmu ya, Ran!
Your art is so beautiful!
ReplyDeletesemoga nggak sampai mrasakan hal tersebut juga kalau mengetik atau membuat postingan di blog
ReplyDeleteAmazing drawings :)
ReplyDeletewow what beautiful drawings,well done xx
ReplyDeleteKeren deh gambarnya mbak ran, saya juga suka menggambar lho😊
ReplyDeleteSemoga tangganya bisa sembuh dan bisa menggambar dengan tenang tanpa sakit-sakit lagi ya...
Hear hear! I so agree about your thoughts on drawing. I actually just started uploading art/drawing vids on YouTube. It's just something that really enters me. I'm not great at all, but I'm still having fun doing it. Your drawings are fab!
ReplyDeletegambarnya bagus banget anjay
ReplyDeletegue kadang ngerasa kayak udahan buat nge gambar, karena selalu stuck cuma gambar kepala. itu pun refrensinya manga. dulu gue beli banyak banget beli buku cara gambar. kayaknya sekarang, gue mulai mau nyoba untuk menggambar lagi
Such a beautiful drawings, you are so creative!
ReplyDeleteHello, thanks for the information. Have a nice day
ReplyDeleteHow a beautiful picture...
ReplyDeleteSaya suka envy kalau lihat ada orang yang bisa menggambar dengan baik. Jadi pengen bisa juga, tapi ya pas dicoba garis-garisnya masih kasar dan kaku. Mesti belajar dan latihan lebih sering kayaknya ya
Aku suka yang perempuan pakai mahkota. :))
ReplyDeleteOh girl, your drawing is better than mine. However, you told that you didn't take drawing course.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I believe everyone can draw very well if they wanna try hard.
I draw a little for spending my free time. Most people said that my drawing is good too, but still, your drawing is better than mine.
beautiful draw, its a nice therapy
ReplyDeleteRêtro Vintage Maggie | Facebook | Instagram
keren gambarnya :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent drawing. Thank you for your impressions.
ReplyDeleteHava a sunny day :).
You have a talent:) :**
ReplyDeletelovely blog! really is beautiful :) wonderful drawings, at first I thought they were photos! you have talent, great talent. I am very jealous. I draw a little myself, but not so well. I just draw. For this I collect drawings of others and on the blog I have a large collection :) If you want, you can see, maybe you can also draw something?
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Poland!
Beautiful draws.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting my blog.
Todo lo que nos enseñas es divino ! Me encantaría verte pronto por mi blog ! Que tengas un excelente día ! ♡♡♡
ReplyDeleteSaya juga suka gambar dan saya percaya nggak ada gambar yang jelek, karena gambar itu adalah ekspresi dan imajinasi personal jadi nggak bisa dengan asal dibilang jelek :D by the way, gambar Ran bagus hihi.
ReplyDeleteKe dua soal sakit di tangan, saya pernah merasakannya tapi lebih karena terlalu banyak menulis pakai bolpoin especially saat harus tulis report or something~ biasanya kalau sudah mulai sakit, saya berhenti dan melemaskan tangan saya agar darah mengalir dengan lancar lagi. Bisa jadi juga rasa sakit itu karena Ran terlalu keras menggunakan otot di area tangan :D
So far asal tau kapan harus break sepertinya rasa sakit di tangan bisa sembuh secara berkala, jadi kalau bisa jangan terlalu di force ya tangannya. Lebih baik break sebentar daripada kalau sakit parah harus break selamanya. Semangat terus Ran! <3
Hai Ran, aku gak bisa menjadikan drawing sebagai terapiku
ReplyDeletekalau aku terapinya ya ngeblog. nulis sekaligus curhat
ya begitulah, media terapi orang beda-beda
kita yang lebih tahu
Travelling is my therapy. Hehehe...
ReplyDeleteAmazing!!! Me too, I love drawing :)
ReplyDeleteSeandainya saya bisa menggambar, saya akan menggambar hati ini untukmu. #gubrak..
ReplyDeleteGambarnya bagus loh mbak.
ReplyDeleteKalau aku gak bisa bikin gambar, aneh aja bentuknya. Tapi pernah beli buku mewarnai, yang akhirnya disabotase anak-anak. Setiap ketahuan mewarnai, anak-anak ikut, sampai rebutan. Padahal yang kecil itu punya buku mewarnai sendiri. Dia juga pernah aku masukkan les menggambar, tapi kemudian bosan dan keluar. Dia lebih suka bikin komik.
Gambarnya baguuuss. Eh, semangat untuk nyembuhin tangannya yuuks...
ReplyDeleteIya kan mbak, biar makin semangat buat bikin konten blog 😂
DeleteTidak ada widget terjemahannya nih, jadi sedikit sulit memahami.
ReplyDeleteDari hasil photonya sangat bagus juga ya
Saya juga suka membuat gambar dibuku gambar atau sketsa.
Gambarnya bagus banget kak, btw semoga tangannya cepat pulih ya kak, biar bisa lancar berkarya lagi
ReplyDeleteYou are very talented, I love your drawings, very well done. I am glad that drawing helps you relieve stress and worries and this shows in your work, we can see your turmoil and your beautiful soul.
ReplyDeleteP.S: when I was little I used to write a lot by hand and I had similar problems with my hands and the only thing that helped me was laying my hands on cushions for a few minutes without doing nothing. It doesn't do much but was better than nothing.
Drawing is such a therapy, i do agree with it. But Im not an expert in drawing, i prefer coloring. hehee... Anyway, thats all the beautiful drawings, the details so perfect! i hope you keep doing this as therapy.
ReplyDeleteCoffee is my Therapy, and Coulfa is my wife 😂
ReplyDeleteGambarnya bagus-bagus ya, biasanya kalau lagi bingung mau apa saya juga sika corat-coret tapi gak bisa bagus hehehe
ReplyDeleteWahhh ak juga kadang suka menggambar kak kalau lagi gak mood gitu.. Jadi gambar yang pingin ak gambar aja, nanti hilang dengan sendirinya deh moodnya itu hehe
ReplyDeletePostingannya berbahasa inggris masak gue komen pakai bahasa indonesia
ReplyDeleteAjegile ya ampon, bagus bet gambarnya ._.
ReplyDeletesaya terapinya apa ya? Hmmm... sepertinya tidur.
Your drawing looks cool. And you use it as your therapy, thats way too cool. Keep drawing keep healty
ReplyDeleteBeneeer. Sepakat nih. Kalo lagi capek nulis, cara ngilangin stres lain adalah dengan gambar. Tapi begitu selesai gambar, makin stres pas liat hasil gambaran sendiri. Huhuhuhuu. :(
ReplyDeletegambarnya keren,
ReplyDeleteMaybe kalau dilapisi pake hansaplast bisa nggak sakit lagi?
ReplyDeleteBut it might affect the quality of the drawing yaa
aku paling suka di gambar yang terakhir, burung merak itu ya sepertinya, bagus kok. Memang hobi gambar yak, keliatan bagus soalnya.
ReplyDeleteFantásticos dibujos.
ReplyDeleteUna relajante aficción.
Un abrazo desde Béjar. España.
Very good post.
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful drawings
ReplyDeleteGambarnya keren bgt mbak. Tapi memang kalau menggambar jangan dipaksakan. Sebaiknya dicicil supaya tidak menyakiti diri sendiri.