Halo. I have a good news to share with you. Do you remember my nephew who fell off the stair railing at his school and ended up in a long coma because he fell with his head hitting the floor that caused him to suffer a brain damage? I wrote about him last year. Here, click the flower if you wanna read it: 🌸
So, he is finally awake from awful trauma. It should be a good news, shouldn't it? Of course me and my family are glad that he's awake from a long sleep. After suffering from a brain damage, he spent two and a half years in a coma before he finally woke up. We didn't lose hope. In the years that passed, we never gave up on him. We always believed that one day he would wake up and it really happened! But... I somehow feel a little disappointed to see his condition.
My nephew is awake and fully aware of his surroundings, but he's paralyzed. He doesn't smile anymore. He cannot walk and stand on his own feet without support. So from now on, he will always need someone to help him to do anything. He can't speak, he can't move anything except his eyes and other small portions of his body, he can't even remember his friends. He only recognize a very few people. It's so sad to see him like this. He used to be a sweet cheerful boy.
Yes, the doctors did warn us about this, that he would act like a baby again. I guess I had way too high expectations of him. I expected that one day he would wake up and things would get back to normal regardless what the doctors had informed us. There is a little part of me that still cannot accept that he had now become like this. Imagine that feeling of being awake but paralyzed, unable to move or speak. Helpless.
Yah! I know, I know. I should be grateful that at least he's now awake. No matter what, he is still my favorite nephew. As long as he's alive, that's what matters now. He will learn to speak again, to hold things, to walk. I believe he will be his old self again that he will learn some sort of activity or hobby to give him something to do. Things will be fine. He will be fine one day.
This is him. He's too thin. He cannot sit on his own, but he can manage to be in that position as long as that table support him. There you see my mother, she looked very proud. My father took this picture. I was standing in the corner of the room, looking so confused and kind of shocked, still not believing what I was seeing😐I was so emotional because I just couldn’t believe the situation he's in. My parents have been raising him since his parents, my older cousin and her ex-husband, abandoned him when he was still small. But that's a story for another time.
Tentu saya masih ingat dengan keponakanmu. Saat kejadian itu sekitar Agustus 2019, bertepatan dengan kamu membeli buku digital saya. Kamu segala meminta maaf karena telat memberi kabar lebih lanjut, padahal memang ada hal lain yang jauh lebih diprioritaskan. Ada urusan yang lebih gawat buat dipikirkan. Kamu baik sekali.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah dia sudah sadar, Ran. Tapi setelah tahu bahwa dia bakal balik seperti bayi lagi akibat benturan di kepala itu, tiba-tiba terasa remuk.
Membaca kabar sedih sering membuat saya tak tahu kudu berkomentar apa. Saya cuma bisa berharap terapi penyembuhan yang dia jalani berjalan lancar, dan dia bisa segera pulih. Aamiin.
Wah, kamu masih ingat bulan dan tahunnya pula. Waw. Iya, aku bersyukur banget dia sadar. Tapi kaget juga lihat kondisinya.
DeleteTerima kasih banyak ya, Yoga! 🙂
Happy to hear that your nephew finally awake and hope speedy recovery to his condition
ReplyDeletewah ikut seneng mbak. semoga keponakannya sehat selalu. sabar mbak, semua butuh proses. jalani saja dengan ikhlas dan tetap percaya bahwa semua akan baik-baik saja.
ReplyDeleteSyukur ponakannya udah sadar kembali. Saya pernah baca artikel ttg Liz Sykes, yang sadar dari koma juga kehilangan ingatan. tapi gak sampe lumpuh. doakan aja yg trbaik smoga cepat sembuh! semangat!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy because your nephew awake.
Glad to know a good news from you..
ReplyDeleteNggak bisa berkata banyak kecuali doa untuk keponakanmu, dan semoga kalian selalu diberikan kesehatan dan perlindungan dari Tuhan.
smoga cepet sembu ponakannya ya mba. kondisiny patut disyukuri.
ReplyDeletesemoga ada kamajuan pesat. berdoa selalu mba. yakin pasti semua akan baik. semangat mba
ReplyDeleteget well soon for yor nephew! believe everything will be ok