Halo! Thank you so much for wasting your precious time to read my last post and comment on it, haha. Thank you to Lalabetterdayz, to recommend me to drink milk instead of water after eating spicy food. Water only increases the burning sensation in your mouth and lips. I learned the hard way. But I feel better now. I will never eat spicy food ever again. I would rather eat nothing than eat spicy food that causes me to suffer later. Bah! 😑I vomited so much blood that night. No joke. I turned my bathroom into a crime scene that night.. lol.
Anyway, I want to share something with you. This is important. I was browsing through my twitter and saw this video. I don't know whose video this is, but I got it from Extreme Videos. I don't know about you, but it's quite disturbing to me. You might think it's just a funny entertaining video, but it's actually not funny at all. Not to me. Seriously, please DO NOT DO THIS!
Now, let me explain to you why this is not funny nor entertaining. My nephew, 13, did this at school. He slid from the stairs rail like it's a slide and then he fell with his head hitting a concrete floor. None of his friends and teachers thought that he would end up in a long coma because after he fell, he still looked fine and no external injuries. He even got up by himself and walked away like nothing happened. He was in shock after falling from the second floor, of course, but he was still able to speak and walked independently at the time. What they didn't know, he actually got cerebral hemorrhage.
This is him. He suffered a crack skull and severe brain injuries. For the first few days, he hovered between life and death at the hospital. Although his condition has improved, his physical condition for the future continues to be cautious. As you can see, he needs a ventilator to breathe. He no longer can speak, walk and he can't even recognize people. The doctor said he will be like a little baby again and from now on, he will be confined most of the time to a wheelchair. It's really sad because he used to love playing foot ball. His team won many competitions. He was so good at it. Football was his favorite thing ever.
I'm telling you, it's very dangerous. It doesn't matter how many times you have done it before, it is still dangerous and can cause brain damage and even death. What happened to my nephew could happen to you too. Warn everybody you know about the fatal consequences of doing this. If you see anyone who does this in front of you and then they fall, don't walk away after asking them "Are you okay?". Sure, they will tell you that they are okay only because that's what they know or that's how they feel at the time. They may look physically okay, but they may have serious internal problems. Take them straight to the hospital or just call the ambulance right away.
It really bothers me to hear people in the video laugh like that's nothing, like what happens to their friend is a funny thing. It could kill him. He could get fatal injury by doing that. And his friends just laugh and keep recording instead of run to their friend and make sure he's okay or take him to the nearest hospital. Well, I really hope that nothing serious happen to the guy in the video. And I hope you won't do this for the sake of your own safety😟 Please always be careful.
Anyway, I want to share something with you. This is important. I was browsing through my twitter and saw this video. I don't know whose video this is, but I got it from Extreme Videos. I don't know about you, but it's quite disturbing to me. You might think it's just a funny entertaining video, but it's actually not funny at all. Not to me. Seriously, please DO NOT DO THIS!
Now, let me explain to you why this is not funny nor entertaining. My nephew, 13, did this at school. He slid from the stairs rail like it's a slide and then he fell with his head hitting a concrete floor. None of his friends and teachers thought that he would end up in a long coma because after he fell, he still looked fine and no external injuries. He even got up by himself and walked away like nothing happened. He was in shock after falling from the second floor, of course, but he was still able to speak and walked independently at the time. What they didn't know, he actually got cerebral hemorrhage.
This is him. He suffered a crack skull and severe brain injuries. For the first few days, he hovered between life and death at the hospital. Although his condition has improved, his physical condition for the future continues to be cautious. As you can see, he needs a ventilator to breathe. He no longer can speak, walk and he can't even recognize people. The doctor said he will be like a little baby again and from now on, he will be confined most of the time to a wheelchair. It's really sad because he used to love playing foot ball. His team won many competitions. He was so good at it. Football was his favorite thing ever.
It really bothers me to hear people in the video laugh like that's nothing, like what happens to their friend is a funny thing. It could kill him. He could get fatal injury by doing that. And his friends just laugh and keep recording instead of run to their friend and make sure he's okay or take him to the nearest hospital. Well, I really hope that nothing serious happen to the guy in the video. And I hope you won't do this for the sake of your own safety😟 Please always be careful.
Poor little boy :(
ReplyDeleteI hope he is getting better and I pray for his health.
Indeed! So many dangerous videos around us! Gotta remind kids not to do any dangerous experiments.
Oh my gosh Rani, that gave me chills down my spine. I can't believe how many reckless things people do with such tragic outcomes for their future. I really hope things improve for your nephew, to think he is only 13, I could cry ✨
ReplyDeleteTurut bersedih atas apa yg terjadi pada ponakannya. Semoga cepat sembuh ya. Ya sama-sama saling mengingatkan satu sama lain supaya hal ini tidak terjadi pada yang lainnya. Aduuuh, kasian anaknya. Masih muda juga :(
ReplyDeleteHello Rani,
ReplyDeleteIf some guys want to be tough, they do stupid things like this. It's awful to see how it can turn out.
Sad for your nephew too.
Greetings, Marco
I'm so sorry about that :(
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more, is not funny at all!
I remembered my sister got injured after she played a group game. It wasn't her fault, because her friends used to catch her but nothing. We were really worried if something bad happens to her. Thank God, she's fine after several medical checks.
Nama ponakannya Gesto ya kak? SemogaGesto cpt sembuh :( Serem bgt. itu berarti geger otak gitu ya?
ReplyDeleteI dont have enough guts to see the whole video..
ReplyDeleteSaya juga suka heran, banyak banget video-video yang beredar tentang kecelakaan baik jatuh atau apapun itu dengan judul video "Kompilasi Lucu" padahal sama sekali nggak lucu menurut saya.
Mereka mengalami suatu kecelakaan, dan lainnya malah menganggap bahwa itu adalah sebuah lelucon. Kan aneh..
Semoga lekas membaik buat keponakannya.. :) Amin
Duh, membayangkannya saja sakit apalagi melakukannya 😖 saya paling nggak bisa lihat video-video yang jatuh meski lucu, Ran. Dulu ada kan tuh di TV funny videos namanya. Berisi video orang-orang jatuh entah karena apa. Menurut saya itu nggak funny, karena teman saya ada yang meninggal hanya karena terpeselet dan jatuh lalu tanpa sengaja lehernya terantuk batu 😥
ReplyDeleteSemoga semakin banyak yang aware kalau lihat temannya atau keluarganya jatuh untuk segera di-check keadaannya. Karena biasa after effect baru terasa beberapa jam kemudian 😣 dan semoga adik kecil cepat sembuh ya, Ran 💕
Semoga ponakannya kak Ran sekarang sudah sembuh.
ReplyDeleteMemang menyebalkan jika melihat ada seseorang yang jatuh bukannya langsung ditolong tapi malah direkam dahulu. Padahal jatuh dari seluncuran tangga itu sangat berbahaya dan harus segera mendapatkan pertolongan
OMG, sorry to know that dear, I hope your nephew have a speed recovery, God bless him.
ReplyDeleteturut prihatin ut ponakannya mb. Semoga bisa sembuh seperti sediakala. Aamiiin
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your nephew. May he be fully healed. I would be very disappointed if I had to give up spicy food.
ReplyDeleteOh my God, sorry to know it. I hope, he's getting well and he can accept how he's now. However, it's really bad to know his accident.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I don't like spicy food too. It makes me going to bathroom so many times in a short duration. Hufh... And better to drink milk after eating spicy food.
Waduh...😭😭😭 semoga Gesto cepet sembuh yah..Memang terkadang meniru niru yang bahaya seperti ini harus dilarang karena efeknya bisa fatal 🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteSedih bacanya 😭😭
Ikut sedih dan prihatin yang dialami keponakan kak Rani.
ReplyDeleteBagiamanakah keadaannya sekarang kak ?, sudah pulih kan ?.
Aku mendoakan agar keponakan kak Rani saat ini sudah sehat kembali.
Kak Rani juga jaga kesehatan dengan baik, jangan sampai mengalami muntah darah lagi.
Baik-baik ya, kak.
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry. My son slid down a bannister in front of me (but it was only one staircase, not multiple ones like in the video) and my hubby and I yelled at him and told him never to do it again. It happened so fast, he did it without thinking.
ReplyDeletehopefully you and family keep strong and healthy ^^~
ReplyDeleteOMG, turut berduka :( Semoga ada keajaiban untuk keponakanmu. Doa dariku <3
ReplyDeleteIni sih setuju banget, ga ngerti kalau ada orang yang anggap lucu. Padahal itu bahaya banget. Pengalaman sama suamiku sendiri. Sebelum nikah dia main gitar sama bandnya di stage. Terus dia jatuh dengan posisi nimpa gitar. Nah, bukannya ditolong orang-orang malah tindihin dia (mereka mabuk kayanya). Pas sadar gitar dia ujungnya patah keteken kepalanya. Kebayang gak tuh gitar listrik kan keras banget bisa patah gitu... Dia masih bisa pulang sendiri, tiba-tiba linglung. Sama ibunya (mertuaku) dibawa ke RS dan ternyata gegar otak :/ Telinga jadi gangguan permanen gitu, sampai sekarang cuma dengar sebelah karena yang lainnya selalu berdengung. Ya, ampun "cuma" gara-gara iseng ditindihin padahal :(
Semoga banyak yang baca tulisanmu ya, supaya aware. Jangan becanda sama aksi-aksi kaya gitu deh, bisa fatal.
hope your nephew will be fine soon :)
Jadi mau komen. Turut sedih dengan apa yang di alami kep0nakan Kak Ran, semoga keadaanya lekas membaik. Semoga Tuhan merahmati. Saya juga agak sebel kalau lihat muridku main yang gak gak apalagi sampai mainan pagar, takut jika kejepit. Untung sd di desa gak bertingkat jadi masih aman
ReplyDeleteSerem liat video pertama.
ReplyDeleteTurut prihatin dan sedih jg mb atas musibah yang menimpa ponakannya. Smg Tuhan memberikan karunia kesembuhan kepadanya. Amin
Oh wow so sorry to read this story and for me any of these videos are not funny in any way
Oh my God, I'm so sorry for this situation... I totally agree with you. Sometimes we actually don't know our limits.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Brazil, dear!
OMG, sorry to know it. I hope your nephew have a speedy recovery.